All posts Archives and archivistsExplore Your Archive on TwitterFriday 17 October 2014Archives are amazing. Without them we could not study our personal histories or the...Behind the scenesThe Friends’ Council: thoughts from the riverbankFriday 17 October 2014With The National Archives being so close to the Thames, that has got me...Behind the scenesThe Downton Abbey effectThursday 16 October 2014Retailers of all stamps are constantly chasing the elusive must-have item ‘du jour’ and...Records and researchRemembering our TommiesTuesday 14 October 2014You may not have noticed, as you pass through the reception area here at...Records and researchAda Lovelace dayTuesday 14 October 2014Ada Lovelace day is an opportunity to celebrate women in science, technology, engineering and...Records and researchThe Brighton bombMonday 13 October 2014Thirty years ago, at 2.54 am on 12 October 1984, an IRA-planted bomb ripped through...Records and researchInventions that didn’t change the worldMonday 13 October 2014The nineteenth century saw amazing advances in science and technology. Many inventions – such...Archives and archivistsLooking back: 25 Years after the Berlin Wall fellFriday 10 October 2014Do you remember the first time you sunk your teeth into a Big Mac...Behind the scenesPromoting research libraries in LondonWednesday 8 October 2014Every six months or so I represent The National Archives at a meeting of...Records and researchThe Hollywood battalionTuesday 7 October 2014It’s a line up that would make any film an instant Hollywood blockbuster. In...Behind the scenesReflections on glossFriday 3 October 2014Our project on dust is now approaching the half-way point. The project, which started...Records and researchBlack History Month – the movement for black civil rights in BritainThursday 2 October 2014I recently booked to see the successful musical the Scottsboro Boys, a theatre adaptation... « 1 … 121 122 123 124 125 … 169 »