All posts Records and researchThe atomic bombing of HiroshimaThursday 6 August 2015On the morning of Monday 6 August 1945 – 70 years ago today –...Records and researchGeorge Sanglier’s petitions: two sides to every petitionTuesday 4 August 2015My last blog focused on James Hawkins, a thief so determined not to be...Archives and archivistsTransforming archives: Archives+, ManchesterMonday 3 August 2015For the past nine months, I have been the Transforming Archives trainee at Archives+...Behind the scenesCalling all explorersThursday 30 July 2015Calling intrepid explorers of all ages! Next week marks the start of the KYPcache...Records and researchMy Tommy’s War: From the pits to the palace (part 1)Thursday 23 July 2015The story of Private Hugh McIver VC MM and Bar I have been privileged...Records and researchAn American journalist, First World War prisoners of war, and a libel caseWednesday 22 July 2015Out of the destruction and chaos of the Western Front during the First World...Behind the scenesThe Reading Cyclist or the Cycling ReaderTuesday 21 July 2015I virtually come from a cycling dynasty. My grandfather was a keen member of...Archives and archivistsTransforming archives: RambertMonday 20 July 2015About a year ago I got the call to say my application for the...Archives and archivistsWhat’s on? Plenty!Friday 17 July 2015Here at The National Archives we’ve been working hard on an overhaul of our...Records and researchX-rays at the frontThursday 16 July 2015This blog series has explored many of the medical advancements the First World War...Records and researchA coronation to remember: the price of crowning VictoriaWednesday 15 July 2015Last week two students, Bushra and Joshua, visited The National Archives for their Lord...Records and researchWhen life imitates art: ‘Come friendly bombs…’Monday 13 July 2015Most people, especially its long suffering residents, are familiar with the John Betjeman poem... « 1 … 109 110 111 112 113 … 169 »