Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesConservation for loans and exhibitionsMonday 4 September 2017Our loans programme helps to spread the riches of our collections beyond our archival...Behind the scenesDunkirk on film and in printTuesday 15 August 2017Have you seen Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk and now want to explore the history in...Behind the scenesResearching LGBT+ history at The National ArchivesTuesday 8 August 2017LGBT+ history is often spoken of as a 'hidden history', but this phrase can...Behind the scenesExploring Michael Faraday’s life and careerWednesday 26 July 2017Faraday appears in various records in our collection; they provide insights into his family...Behind the scenesSomething about JaneTuesday 25 July 2017With the bicentenary of Austen’s death, we look at Austen-related books in our shop.........Behind the scenesConservation challenges for a collection care studentWednesday 19 July 2017Facing an issue with one of the documents, I had an exciting opportunity to...Behind the scenesIn Our Minds: responding to archives through creative practiceMonday 10 July 2017Find out how creative practitioners can use archival documents as a starting point for...Behind the scenesRedesigning The National Archives’ homepageThursday 6 July 2017Over the last few months we’ve been working on a homepage redesign and would...Behind the scenesThe UK Government Web Archive is now even betterFriday 30 June 2017Over the last few months we’ve been working to relaunch the web archive…......Behind the scenesFood for thought: eating with Queen Victoria and Mrs BeetonTuesday 20 June 2017'Human lives are marked out in meals,' observes food historian Annie Gray…...Behind the scenesThis is for everyone: accessibility and digitalFriday 16 June 2017Most of the web has accessibility barriers that make it difficult or impossible for...Behind the scenesThe hocus pocus of witchcraftFriday 2 June 2017Discover five books focused on the history of withcraft and magic, and the figure... « 1 … 14 15 16 17 18 … 38 »