Category: Records and research Records and researchWomen in engineering in the First World WarThursday 23 June 2016For National Women in Engineering Day, we aim to highlight some of the achievements...Records and researchKaiser Wilhelm and the curious pyjama incidentsMonday 20 June 2016Wilhelm’s contemporaries had trouble judging his character - including his fondness for practical jokes...Records and researchMeeting Grace O’Malley, Ireland’s pirate queenThursday 16 June 2016There are many surprising finds when you peer into the annals of piracy -...Records and researchDigging, damage and display: wartime archaeology in LibyaMonday 13 June 2016British military personnel were very interested in the ancient history of Libya – soldiers...Records and researchThe bureaucats at the heart of governmentTuesday 7 June 2016Since the 1800s there has been a group of government employees given free range...Records and researchPost-war playtime: Mettoy and Corgi ToysThursday 26 May 2016During the 20th century, the UK was home to the major manufacturers of miniature...Records and researchThe sound of leather on willowThursday 26 May 2016Today’s blog – the latest in our series of First World War Military Service...Records and researchKidnapped to order: child actors in Shakespeare’s dayThursday 12 May 2016Exploring some of the more extreme methods children’s companies went to in order to...Records and researchLost voices from the Civil WarsWednesday 11 May 2016During my PhD I have been part of an effort by specialists in the...Records and researchJeremy Thorpe’s resignation and its aftermathWednesday 11 May 2016On 10 May 1976, Jeremy Thorpe resigned as leader of the Liberal Party -...Records and researchFastolf not ‘Falstaff’: the soldier behind Shakespeare’s mythWednesday 4 May 2016The Falstaff of Shakespeare’s plays bears little resemblance to what we understand of the...Records and researchThe Good Parliament of 1376Friday 29 April 2016It is the 640th anniversary of one of the most important sessions of parliament... « 1 … 66 67 68 69 70 … 115 »