Category: Records and research Archives and archivistsFancy a Georgian bake off? Try some 18th century treatsTuesday 21 November 2017Next time you try something new for dinner, why not consider something from our...Behind the scenesSuffrage Tales: a new animation based on our recordsWednesday 15 November 2017‘Suffrage Tales has inspired me to believe these tales of suffrage should be transferred...Behind the scenesRichmond in the archivesTuesday 14 November 2017Following the success of our ‘Behind the Scenes’ repository tours, we are currently running...Records and researchPasschendaele – Sassoon’s hellFriday 10 November 2017This year sees the 100th anniversary of the battle of Passchendaele. It was one of...Behind the scenesFinding the wounded: re-cataloguing First World War pension filesThursday 9 November 2017In the First World War, over 1.5 million British personnel were wounded, many of...Archives and archivists500 Years of Reformation: Martin Luther in the ArchivesMonday 6 November 2017Last week marked the 500th anniversary of what is widely considered to be the starting...Records and researchThe Gunpowder and Orange Juice PlotFriday 3 November 2017This blog contains spoilers for BBC One’s ‘Gunpowder’ series. One of the most satisfying...Archives and archivistsRamsay MacDonald’s holiday snaps and other photographsThursday 2 November 2017I have been looking at some of the photographic and visual information held in...Records and researchAnglo-Papal relations and Henry VIII’s break with RomeWednesday 1 November 2017Due to its longevity and impact at home and abroad, Henry VIII’s break with...Records and researchDiscover the Women’s Suffrage movement through our recordsTuesday 31 October 2017Friday 18 May 2018, 18:30 Suffrage 100 – Archives at night: Law breakers, law...Records and researchThe civil servant’s tale: Geoffrey Chaucer in the archivesMonday 30 October 2017When you think of Geoffrey Chaucer, what words or themes do you think of? Words like...Records and researchEngland’s freedom, soldiers’ rights: Civil War army disputesFriday 27 October 2017Three hundred and seventy years ago this autumn, among the dying embers of bloody... « 1 … 52 53 54 55 56 … 115 »