Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesThe end is nigh: keep calm and carry onMonday 1 December 2014It’s 3.00 in the morning – I sit bolt upright in bed, roused from...Behind the scenesDramatising revolution: a new outreach projectTuesday 4 November 2014‘Revolution!’ It is 1917, and revolution stirs in Petrograd. Actually, it is a balmy...Behind the scenesKeeper’s Gallery: Prize PapersTuesday 28 October 2014Our Keeper’s Gallery currently features a display related to the High Court of Admiralty Prize...Behind the scenesThe Friends’ Council: thoughts from the riverbankFriday 17 October 2014With The National Archives being so close to the Thames, that has got me...Behind the scenesThe Downton Abbey effectThursday 16 October 2014Retailers of all stamps are constantly chasing the elusive must-have item ‘du jour’ and...Behind the scenesPromoting research libraries in LondonWednesday 8 October 2014Every six months or so I represent The National Archives at a meeting of...Behind the scenesReflections on glossFriday 3 October 2014Our project on dust is now approaching the half-way point. The project, which started...Behind the scenesExtending hands: a day of partnership and collaborationTuesday 30 September 2014On 15 October, we will be hosting our first academic open day, which will...Behind the scenesIntroducing our online design guideFriday 26 September 2014Our website redesign launched just over a year ago and ever since we’ve continued...Behind the scenesBack to school: pre-FWW registers onlineThursday 25 September 2014On Monday the first tranche of school registers and log books held by nearly...Behind the scenesGetting involved with the User Advisory GroupThursday 18 September 2014I am now entering my second year as a member of The National Archives’...Behind the scenesKeeper’s Gallery: registered designsTuesday 16 September 2014Our Keeper’s Gallery currently features a display of the registered design series held here... « 1 … 23 24 25 26 27 … 38 »