All posts Records and research‘Come, friendly bombs’Thursday 13 December 2012The title of today’s blog post comes from the first stanza of the poem...Behind the scenesIntroducing The Keeper’s GalleryWednesday 12 December 2012Those blog readers who’ve been to Kew recently will have noticed we’ve carried out...Records and researchTrainee Tuesday: Make-do and MendTuesday 11 December 2012When thinking of war posters, the slogans ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ or ‘Make-do...Records and researchA seasonal discovery in conscription appealsMonday 10 December 2012As we are nearing the end of preparing the Middlesex County Appeal tribunal papers...Behind the scenesBlog improvements – what do you think?Friday 7 December 2012It’s been a very exciting 2012 for The National Archives’ blog. Since our very...Records and researchPrincess Beatrice of BattenbergWednesday 5 December 2012With royal succession in the news, I find myself reminded of the life of...Archives and archivistsArchiving the arts – why and how?Monday 3 December 2012We’re embarking on an exciting new collection strategy this month, called Archiving the Arts. Our work...Managing informationThe drive less sharedFriday 30 November 2012Despite over a decade in helping users understand information management and getting them to...Records and researchTrainee Tuesday: We’re past the halfway markTuesday 27 November 2012So the Opening up Archives programme is in its eighth month – we’ve passed...Records and researchThe boy who found the horseMonday 26 November 2012My inspiration for today’s blog post comes from two things that stuck in my...Records and researchBSL in bloomFriday 23 November 2012Usually when I sit down to write a blog post, I begin by reflecting...Records and researchAdlestrop, by Edward ThomasThursday 22 November 2012Edward Thomas (1878-1917), who was killed in action during the First World War, was... « 1 … 152 153 154 155 156 … 169 »