Category: Records and research Records and researchDynamic design: Bloomsbury, Chanel and Art DecoTuesday 30 July 2013It’s 100 years since the Omega Workshops were founded by the painter, designer and...Records and research‘Unknown and darkest England’Friday 26 July 2013‘… we have attempted to give the visitor from the West Indies a fair...Records and researchSummer in the UK Government Web ArchiveWednesday 24 July 2013After three weeks of almost constant sunshine and a confirmed heatwave I think we...Records and researchDigital records sensitivity reviewFriday 19 July 2013The National Archives and The University of Glasgow have recently been successful in applying...Records and researchPlaces of mistaken identityWednesday 17 July 2013One of the most important things that an archivist or librarian does when cataloguing...Records and researchBlue BooksTuesday 16 July 2013Recently, I have being carrying out some research on the ‘Colonial Office Blue Books of Statistics’. These began...Records and researchA Royal bundle of joyFriday 12 July 2013With the birth of the royal baby expected soon, and the announcement from The...Records and researchMy Tommy’s War: Mules and malariaFriday 12 July 2013One of the pleasures of family history is uncovering the facts behind half-remembered stories,...Behind the scenesHave I seen you somewhere before?Thursday 11 July 2013The documents above may look familiar, perhaps in the ‘I know the reference’ kind...Records and researchNew, improved census cataloguingMonday 8 July 2013You might think that because all the censuses for England and Wales (and the...Records and researchGovernment datasets in DiscoveryFriday 5 July 2013Have you ever settled down for an enjoyable nap under a tree, only to...Records and researchWriter of the month: Ian MortimerThursday 27 June 2013Normally when historians are asked to talk about archives it is assumed that they... « 1 … 97 98 99 100 101 … 115 »