Category: Records and research Records and researchDaybreak in Udi and the lost OscarThursday 21 February 2013Watching old films is always a bit of hunt for buried treasure, particularly if...Records and researchCalculating the destruction of all lifeWednesday 20 February 2013My colleague Linda and I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to...Records and researchTrainee Tuesday: A bit of old BritainTuesday 19 February 2013As part of my traineeship I’m creating an online exhibition at Northumberland Archives, showcasing...Records and researchMy Tommy’s War: Mr Brown’s WarFriday 15 February 2013I was discussing the First World War with a friend and we were talking...Records and researchWriter of the month: We fought them in the filing cabinets…Thursday 14 February 2013D-Day, 6 June 1944, the turning point of the Second World War, was a...Records and researchYou have two cowsMonday 11 February 2013You live in a village in 16th century England and you keep two cows....Records and researchShoulder of wren with salad: diets and debt in Elizabethan EnglandThursday 7 February 2013Have you ever written an email in anger or in jest, and then decided...Records and researchHappy Waitangi Day!Tuesday 5 February 2013A very happy Waitangi Day to all New Zealanders everywhere. To coincide with Waitangi...Records and researchClaiming, celebrating, creating!Friday 1 February 2013“Claiming our history, celebrating our past, creating our future!” is the motto of LGBT...Archives and archivistsTrainee Tuesday: Anyone for ice cream?Tuesday 29 January 2013Ice cream may not be all that appealing at the moment, given the recent...Records and researchSnow, Slush and…Monday 28 January 2013How many words do they say the Inuit have for ‘snow’? Four hundred? English...Records and researchRipablik blong VanuatuSunday 27 January 2013In 1960, the Lopevi volcano erupted in Vanuatu (then the New Hebrides), a small... « 1 … 103 104 105 106 107 … 115 »