Category: Behind the scenes Archives and archivistsGalling ink! How The National Archives preserves millions of documents written in iron gall inkSunday 7 March 2021Iron gall ink was first mentioned by Pliny the Elder in AD23 and was...Archives and archivistsHello British Science Week!Friday 5 March 2021When people think about science, GLAM institutions (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) are probably...Behind the scenesFive Photos: Exploring a mindful archiveMonday 8 February 2021How useful are archives right now? I don’t mean to be provocative. Like many...Archives and archivistsMy remote student placement at The National ArchivesWednesday 30 September 2020I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Oxford, studying for a...Behind the scenesAwakening the giantTuesday 21 July 2020In early April, we published a blog about ‘sending the giant to sleep’, which...Behind the scenesCOVID-19 and the challenge it presents to volunteeringFriday 17 July 2020The closure of the Kew site has affected us all since 20 March 2020,...Archives and archivistsThe Archivists’ Guide to Film: The Great EscapeMonday 29 June 2020The Archivists’ Guide to Film is a blog series in which staff at The...Behind the scenesWorking with volunteers to rehouse films and negativesFriday 5 June 2020To celebrate National Volunteers’ Week, today we focus our attention on a project involving...Behind the scenesPictures of the past: Cataloguing COPY 1 paintings and drawingsWednesday 3 June 2020To celebrate National Volunteers’ Week, today we focus our attention on a project to improve...Behind the scenesCelebrating VE Day across the archives sectorWednesday 27 May 2020Friday 8 May was the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day and...Behind the scenesSacrifices for loveFriday 22 May 2020What would you sacrifice for love? And who sacrifices more: those who have it all,...Behind the scenesThe art of kindness: Using images to improve mental wellbeingThursday 21 May 2020Using creativity to explore our collections is especially relevant at a time when we... « 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 … 38 »