Category: Behind the scenes Archives and archivistsPreventing pests – taking history off the menuTuesday 21 November 2017What does this look like to you? A pile of paper? An old book?...Archives and archivistsCelebrating conservation for London Open HouseFriday 17 November 2017The National Archives’ Collection Care department, usually hidden behind closed doors, has many stories...Behind the scenesSuffrage Tales: a new animation based on our recordsWednesday 15 November 2017‘Suffrage Tales has inspired me to believe these tales of suffrage should be transferred...Behind the scenesRichmond in the archivesTuesday 14 November 2017Following the success of our ‘Behind the Scenes’ repository tours, we are currently running...Behind the scenesFinding the wounded: re-cataloguing First World War pension filesThursday 9 November 2017In the First World War, over 1.5 million British personnel were wounded, many of...Behind the scenesThe not so distant sound of jingle bellsTuesday 7 November 2017Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat… I know you are in denial,...Behind the scenesCrime in the archivesWednesday 25 October 2017Following the success of our ‘Behind the scenes’ repository tours we are currently running...Archives and archivistsBanishing the bulk! Conserving a 17th century volumeWednesday 18 October 2017Of more than 11 million documents in The National Archives’ collection, approximately 5,700 have...Behind the scenesNew resources for A level and GCSE history teachersMonday 9 October 2017The National Archives Education Department has been very busy this summer: we have created...Archives and archivistsStep into The National Archives’ libraryFriday 6 October 2017Twenty years ago, we first opened our research library to the public. This anniversary seemed...Behind the scenesThe ‘spider’ man’s legacy in British animationFriday 22 September 2017As briefs for commissioned films go, at first glance this is not the most...Behind the scenesReading about railwaysTuesday 12 September 2017Trains cause frustrations at times but where would we be without them?... « 1 … 13 14 15 16 17 … 38 »