All posts Archives and archivistsFancy a Georgian bake off? Try some 18th century treatsTuesday 21 November 2017Next time you try something new for dinner, why not consider something from our...Archives and archivistsArchives, sparking memories and bringing generations togetherMonday 20 November 2017It’s Explore Your Archive week, and today’s themed hashtag is #archivecatwalk. As much as...Archives and archivistsExplore Your Archive is back!Saturday 18 November 2017Saturday 18 November is the first day of our annual launch week for the Explore...Archives and archivistsCelebrating conservation for London Open HouseFriday 17 November 2017The National Archives’ Collection Care department, usually hidden behind closed doors, has many stories...Archives and archivistsDigital archiving: disrupt or be disrupted?Thursday 16 November 2017Economist Joseph Schumpeter popularised the term ‘creative destruction’ to describe the theory that technological...Behind the scenesSuffrage Tales: a new animation based on our recordsWednesday 15 November 2017‘Suffrage Tales has inspired me to believe these tales of suffrage should be transferred...Behind the scenesRichmond in the archivesTuesday 14 November 2017Following the success of our ‘Behind the Scenes’ repository tours, we are currently running...Records and researchPasschendaele – Sassoon’s hellFriday 10 November 2017This year sees the 100th anniversary of the battle of Passchendaele. It was one of...Behind the scenesFinding the wounded: re-cataloguing First World War pension filesThursday 9 November 2017In the First World War, over 1.5 million British personnel were wounded, many of...Archives and archivistsArchives Revealed – a new funding programmeTuesday 7 November 2017I am delighted to announce the launch today of Archives Revealed in partnership with...Behind the scenesThe not so distant sound of jingle bellsTuesday 7 November 2017Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat… I know you are in denial,...Archives and archivists500 Years of Reformation: Martin Luther in the ArchivesMonday 6 November 2017Last week marked the 500th anniversary of what is widely considered to be the starting... « 1 … 74 75 76 77 78 … 169 »