All posts Records and researchThe Cairo Museum that never wasFriday 26 April 2019Very few things are actually better than the opening of a new archaeological museum....Archives and archivistsPeel’s Police: Raw Lobsters and Blue Devils!Thursday 25 April 2019On 19 June 1829, Sir Robert Peel’s Act for Improving the Police in and...Archives and archivistsThe Hearth Tax Exemption Certificates projectTuesday 16 April 2019Before I retired from the staff of The National Archives in 2010 and became...Behind the scenesMeet the new research staff in Collections CareMonday 15 April 2019This spring, several new research staff have joined our Collection Care Department. Our Collection...Archives and archivistsCreating our Cold War exhibitionFriday 12 April 2019When Steve Burgess and Juliette Johnstone from our events and exhibitions team first approached...Archives and archivistsDigital engagement and archives: creating the Peterloo storyThursday 11 April 2019Last November, I wrote a blog post about digital storytelling, outreach and archives, in which...Archives and archivistsBack in Battersea: a creative reminiscence projectTuesday 9 April 2019In the course of a few afternoons, I learned so much about the lives...Records and researchOne man’s vision: Ernest Bevin and the creation of NATOThursday 4 April 20194 April 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the signing of the treaty that brought...Records and researchSay ‘cheese’: exposing photographs in the archivesTuesday 2 April 2019If you search The National Archives’ catalogue for ‘photograph’ you get 365,199 results. Try...Archives and archivistsVikings, squirrels and viral social media: my professional placementThursday 28 March 2019I blogged back in November with the other 2018-19 fellows as we started out...Behind the scenesThe saviour of the sewersWednesday 27 March 2019Thursday 28 March marks the bicentenary of the birth of Joseph Bazalgette – one of...Behind the scenesMeet our new Collection Care research staffMonday 25 March 2019This spring, several new research staff have joined our Collection Care Department. Our Collection... « 1 … 55 56 57 58 59 … 169 »