All posts Behind the scenesHistory in the strangest thingsFriday 18 October 2019I know it is frightfully early to be thinking about your Christmas list but...Technology and innovationWorkshop invitation: People and machines – co-creating with heritage collectionsWednesday 16 October 2019Are you interested in exploring how we can open up heritage collections by combining...Archives and archivistsFarewell to fellowships: How did the year go?Tuesday 15 October 2019Our year as The National Archives-Research Library UK (RLUK) Professional Fellows 2018-19 has come...Records and researchOpen and closed: Royal correspondence and the Archbishops of York in the 14th centuryThursday 10 October 2019The Close and Patent Rolls are two different types of administrative record of the...Records and researchThe Alchemist’s Tale: Geoffrey Chaucer and alchemyWednesday 9 October 2019Where did Geoffrey Chaucer get the inspiration for his stories? As part of my...Records and researchHow archives helped solve a family mysteryTuesday 8 October 2019Like many of us who find ourselves working at The National Archives, I have...Archives and archivists‘This is our park’: A community well-being projectFriday 4 October 2019‘This is our park’ is a unique collaboration between The National Archives, Wandsworth Heritage...Records and researchChocks Away! The life of Air Chief Marshal Sir Ronald Ivelaw-ChapmanTuesday 17 September 2019Now approaching the half-way mark in the WO 416 (Second World War British and...Archives and archivistsThe mission, should you choose to accept it …Monday 16 September 2019PRO 23 is a unique project for a number of reasons, none less so...Behind the scenesRecord copying: Processing orders, promulgating discoveriesThursday 12 September 2019The National Archives has a collection of orderable items standing in excess of 11...Records and researchMilestones to peace: The Treaty of St. Germain-en-LayeMonday 9 September 2019The Treaty of Versailles, signed with Germany on 28 June 1919, brought an official...Behind the scenesSupporting students with early documentsWednesday 4 September 2019The National Archives Education Service works with thousands of school students both on site... « 1 … 50 51 52 53 54 … 169 »