All posts Records and researchA series of unfortunate eventsThursday 6 February 2014I have approached today’s blog post rather nervously because it’s by way of an...Behind the scenesA Library or a Fire Trap ?Tuesday 4 February 2014Despite meteorological indications to the contrary spring should be springing soon. Days are definitely...Behind the scenesTo the manor born?Monday 3 February 2014We’ve been working for almost twenty years now to improve, update and above all...Behind the scenesHey! How’s it going?Friday 31 January 2014I feel very lucky to work in internal communications at The National Archives because...Behind the scenesEngaging with students at London Metropolitan ArchivesThursday 30 January 2014Here at London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) the collections are vast and like so many...Records and researchLost in translation: disability history and the difficulty of languageWednesday 29 January 2014Last month was Disability History Month. Founded in 2010, it endeavours to highlight the...Behind the scenesBanish the January blues – be brave and get talkingTuesday 28 January 2014Last week was book-ended for me by two outstanding events that break the mould...Behind the scenesDiversity Week: celebration and commemorationMonday 27 January 2014I’m particularly looking forward to the range of external talks we have organised this...Records and researchCommemorating ConscriptionWednesday 22 January 2014Back in October 2012, we provided a blog outlining the start of a project...Records and researchSchoolboys in uniform – or notMonday 20 January 2014As we mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War there is...Behind the scenesMobile first? Absolutely. Why you need analytics to improve your services.Thursday 16 January 2014Ok, Tuesday was quite a busy day for me and many of my colleagues...Behind the scenesOh, What a Lovely War!Wednesday 15 January 2014I am the Opening Up Archives trainee at the Greater Manchester County Record Office.... « 1 … 132 133 134 135 136 … 169 »