Posts by Vicky Iglikowski-Broad Records and research‘London’s greatest bohemian rendezvous’: the Caravan ClubThursday 13 July 2017Our documents reveal a surprising openness around sexuality in a time before some homosexual...Records and research‘No pasarán’: the Battle of Cable StreetTuesday 4 October 2016On Sunday 4 October 1936 a march by the British Union of Fascists (BUF)...Behind the scenesIn our minds: Creative responses to mental health recordsThursday 18 August 2016How can creative practitioners use and engage with archive materials, and develop work as...Archives and archivistsQueer and the State: Join our youth events panel and lead the conversationThursday 4 August 2016Are you interested in the history of queer communities? Are you aged 16-25? Do...Behind the scenesAn afternoon with the Mangrove NineMonday 1 August 2016We hosted a visit from some of the key figures in the British Black...Records and researchWomen in engineering in the First World WarThursday 23 June 2016For National Women in Engineering Day, we aim to highlight some of the achievements...Archives and archivistsWhen art and archives collideFriday 22 April 2016On 12 April The National Archives opened its first contemporary art exhibition: 'Changing the...Records and researchTransgender visibility in our collectionsThursday 31 March 2016We highlight transgender histories you can find in a government archive, to increase the...Records and researchPride of Place: putting LGBT history on the mapThursday 25 February 2016We look at public and domestic spaces LGBT people have created for themselves…...Records and researchLGBT History Month: archives inspire creative writingThursday 4 February 2016Our annual Diversity Week culminated in a creative writing workshop, using facsimiles and originals...Archives and archivistsDiversity in archivesMonday 18 January 2016Are Diverse History months still important or do they confine an already marginalised history...Records and researchLet’s talk about the Mangrove NineMonday 11 January 2016‘Have you heard of the Mangrove Nine before?’ ‘Have you heard of Martin Luther... « 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 »