Category: Records and research Records and researchThe Military Service Act 1916: appeals against conscriptionTuesday 26 January 2016The Military Service Act introduced compulsory military service in 1916 - but those faced...Records and researchI want to believe: UFOs in the archiveFriday 22 January 2016Inspired by The X-Files we take a look at some of our own UFO...Records and researchAn experimental and daring ladyTuesday 19 January 2016We look at Victorian photographer Julia Margaret Cameron, who pushed the boundaries of photography...Records and researchHelp us improve the UK Government web archiveWednesday 13 January 2016It’s an exciting time for the web archiving team. We recently completed our first...Records and researchTell Them Of Us: the story behind the filmTuesday 12 January 2016My great uncle, Robert Ashley Crowder, is one of the five names on the...Archives and archivistsAn update from the Keeper’s GalleryTuesday 12 January 2016Be it through the rotating document and facsimile displays, our interactive Turning The Pages...Records and researchLet’s talk about the Mangrove NineMonday 11 January 2016‘Have you heard of the Mangrove Nine before?’ ‘Have you heard of Martin Luther...Records and researchThe evacuation of Gallipoli: studying Cabinet Office recordsThursday 7 January 2016The Gallipoli landings, their failure, and the subsequent evacuation of the peninsula are often referred...Records and researchDear diary, with Christmas wishes in wartimeWednesday 23 December 2015Christmas is fast approaching; excitement is building as food and last-minute presents are bought....Records and researchDodgy dealings with the ‘merchant of death’Monday 21 December 2015An international arms dealer known by the universal nickname of Zedzed. Corrupt payments seeking...Records and researchSir Hugh John: an ideal 15th century knight?Friday 18 December 2015It is amazing how a quiet afternoon at The National Archives can provide an...Records and researchWar letters from Great Western Railway workersWednesday 16 December 2015As temperatures drop and preparations for Christmas mount, we cast our thoughts 100 winters... « 1 … 70 71 72 73 74 … 115 »