Category: Records and research Records and researchRoy Sawh: From Where I StandMonday 14 August 2023In 1967, Sawh was put on trial under The Race Relations Act. Today, we...Records and researchFive little-known inventors of the Victorian eraTuesday 8 August 2023Explore the stories of five people who protected their unusual designs...Records and researchMen of Harlech: The Secret CommandosThursday 3 August 2023A look at X Troop, formed of German-speaking, mostly Jewish refugees...Records and researchBlack boxers and the colour bar in 20th century BritainWednesday 26 July 2023We take a closer look at boxing as a cultural arena for 20th-century debates...Records and researchThe First Sino-Japanese War and the ‘Kowshing’ IncidentTuesday 25 July 2023Explore the beginnings of this 1894–95 East Asian war through the lens of records...Records and researchOrgan Box: A campaign to promote organ donation in South Asian communitiesMonday 10 July 2023‘The message is the same to all – carry a donor card and tell...Records and researchThe New Poor Law and an early example of information managementTuesday 4 July 2023The importance of poor law records cannot be overestimated...Records and researchSeizing Plato: How a 1934 anti-obscenity police raid caused an outcry in Greece and at homeThursday 29 June 2023The seizure of books deemed obscene became unexpectedly controversial and high profile for authorities....Records and researchA new way to explore the nation’s archives Wednesday 28 June 2023Discover a new way to explore online the most historically interesting, rare, and unusual...Records and researchEmpire Windrush passengers accommodated at the Clapham South deep shelterTuesday 27 June 2023It was in Clapham where some of Empire Windrush passengers stayed immediately after arriving...Records and researchSoundtracking the Empire WindrushTuesday 20 June 2023We've produced a playlist with reference to records from our collection...Records and researchRemembering the men of Bomber Command who didn’t make it homeTuesday 20 June 2023Who officially researched the fate of missing RAF personnel during the Second World War?... « 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 115 »