Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesHistorical letters and messages from the battlefieldTuesday 13 November 2018From love letters of kings and queens to political calls for liberation… from declarations...Behind the scenesDeveloping a user-centred search for our web archiveMonday 12 November 2018The UK Government Web Archive’s improved search is now live! After one year of...Behind the scenesHolding History: an animated film created by young peopleWednesday 7 November 2018From the Domesday Book to the dark archive, the Tudors to the Titanic, and...Behind the scenesArmistice and Legacy – a graphic novel on the First World WarTuesday 6 November 2018The Education team at The National Archives is always busy preparing workshops for school...Behind the scenesModelling archival data: an outsider’s perspectiveWednesday 17 October 2018During the past few months, we have been developing an archival data model with...Behind the scenesDiscover James Cook in our BookshopTuesday 9 October 2018While the main focus this year has been on anniversaries associated with the First...Behind the scenesHow to automate web archiving quality assurance without a programmerWednesday 26 September 2018There are times when you wish you had an assistant to do the boring...Behind the scenesMarking time with diaries and calendarsWednesday 12 September 2018Are you a plan-ahead-with-military-precision type of person? Or more of a go-with-the-flow-embrace-your-inner-spontaneity sort? Just...Archives and archivistsDeveloping collaboration between archive services and Higher EducationThursday 6 September 2018In summer 2018, The National Archives, the Higher Education Archive Programme (HEAP) and History...Archives and archivistsSocial media archiving at The National ArchivesMonday 20 August 2018We’ve been archiving government Twitter and YouTube content for a number of years, a...Behind the scenesA Georgian autumnTuesday 14 August 2018As we move inside, dazed and somewhat sun-struck from our amazing run of totally...Behind the scenesTesting new ‘digitisation on demand’ toolsThursday 9 August 2018Testing new archival tools for ‘digitisation on demand’.... « 1 … 9 10 11 12 13 … 38 »