All posts Archives and archivistsA world of wine and taxesThursday 23 May 2019Sparkling wines produced in the United Kingdom today win international awards, and we import...Records and researchThumbs up to railway accidentsTuesday 21 May 2019Between June 1908 and November 1917 there were 63 injuries to the thumbs of...Archives and archivistsfoinsí Ghaeilge (Irish sources) at The National ArchivesMonday 20 May 2019It is a thoroughly unremarkable occurrence to see a letter in The National Archives...Records and researchDouble agents and double standardsFriday 17 May 2019Espionage is a complicated business. Not only do you, as a spy, have to...Technology and innovationHow to teach a computer to readMonday 13 May 2019A thought that may have crossed your mind when reading the title of this...Records and researchLawrence and BellFriday 10 May 2019T.E. Lawrence is a legendary figure, known for spying and fighting in the Middle...Archives and archivistsExporting digital cultural assets – are we ready?Wednesday 8 May 2019To remove cultural property from the UK, the owner has to apply for an...Records and researchArchetype of a SpyFriday 3 May 2019Whenever I think of spies my first thought is always of a James Bond-type...Technology and innovationComputational archival science (CAS): Exploring data, investigating methodologies – workshop invitationThursday 2 May 2019Would you like to join us at The National Archives for a two-day data...Behind the scenesTracing your house historyWednesday 1 May 2019The dwelling that you call home will always hold a unique treasure trove of...Archives and archivistsThe poignant last will and testament of Nicholas HilliardTuesday 30 April 2019Nicholas Hilliard – goldsmith, portrait painter, royal servant – was buried in St Martin-in-the-Fields,...Archives and archivistsDigitally safeguarding a seal mould collection: a volunteer’s perspective on PRO 23Monday 29 April 2019There has recently been a series of blogs highlighting the PRO 23 project, which is... « 1 … 54 55 56 57 58 … 169 »