Category: Records and research Records and researchTales from the Special Operations Executive: Operation RemorseThursday 29 May 2014It was ‘the biggest currency black market in history’, a secret operation under the...Records and researchMapped with a purposeWednesday 21 May 2014A few years ago, a colleague asked me for help in finding a map....Behind the scenesThe best of FriendsFriday 16 May 2014The National Archives – full of national treasures, and a national treasure itself. The...Records and researchThe World Cup: considering a boycott in 1982Monday 12 May 2014Many people’s memories of the 1982 football World Cup in Spain might centre on...Records and researchMy Tommy’s War: thinking of youFriday 9 May 2014My First World War soldier is my great-great uncle. Although he is not a blood...Records and researchArchiving social mediaThursday 8 May 2014Our social media archive has been released today, as a collaborative effort between The National...Records and researchThe travelling photographer: Emil Otto HoppéTuesday 6 May 2014Emil Otto Hoppé (1878–1972) is my kind of photographer. He was incredibly prolific, producing...Records and researchYou are cordially invited…Monday 28 April 2014This month sees the 110th anniversary of the ‘Entente Cordiale’. The agreement is officially...Archives and archivistsLost cities and found documents: do we ever discover in archives?Friday 25 April 2014I like a good lost city. Found cities are interesting (Troy, for example) but...Records and research2014: A year of Shakespearean celebrationWednesday 23 April 2014‘I’ll be sworn ’tis true; he will weep you, an ’twere a man born...Behind the scenesTo display or not to display – that is the question…Thursday 17 April 2014Faded book spines, curtain backs, and tapestries; we’ve all witnessed the irreversible damage that...Records and researchSecrets and spies of the First World WarFriday 11 April 2014What do socks, exotic dancers and scouts have in common? The answer is that... « 1 … 89 90 91 92 93 … 115 »