Category: Records and research Records and research‘A man one could do business with’Wednesday 11 March 2015‘Perestroika’ and ‘glasnost’. These are two Russian words you may have heard at school...Records and research‘For Valour’: the Garhwalis and Neuve ChapelleTuesday 10 March 2015Joseph Joffre, commander in chief of the French forces on the Western Front in...Records and researchRemembering England’s Medieval JewsTuesday 10 March 2015Events on 27 January to mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau...Records and research‘You buy war bonds – we do the rest’Monday 9 March 2015Today the UK Government is due to pay back the outstanding £1.9 billion from...Records and research‘A triumph of hope over evidence’Friday 6 March 2015Agincourt, Trafalgar, Waterloo, Fashoda, Mers-el-Kebir… With the England-France rugby game drawing closer, these are...Records and research‘The tragedy of the shells’Thursday 5 March 2015This is the first of three blog posts that will look at the establishment...Behind the scenesKeeper’s Gallery: Women in Second World War artTuesday 3 March 2015Our Keeper’s Gallery currently features a display highlighting women represented in original artwork from...Records and researchA woman’s war 1914-1918Monday 2 March 2015Many of you will no doubt have heard of, if not yet seen, the...Records and researchThe Moorgate Tube crashSaturday 28 February 201528 February 2015 is the 40th anniversary of the Moorgate Tube crash in 1975. Files from...Behind the scenesShip shape: conserving the Regent’s Canal Company’s minute booksThursday 26 February 20152012 marked the bicentenary of construction starting on London’s famous Regent’s Canal. The Regent’s...Records and researchEngland’s immigrants 1330-1550Tuesday 24 February 2015This month sees the launch of England’s Immigrants 1330-1550, a major new research database...Records and researchFirst World War hearing aidsThursday 19 February 2015If you were researching hearing aids from the early twentieth century what term would you... « 1 … 79 80 81 82 83 … 115 »