Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesRedesigning the recordMonday 30 September 2013A few weeks ago Emma Allen wrote about the upcoming new design for our...Behind the scenesGoodbye, Blackberry WayWednesday 25 September 2013Here at The National Archives we’re really lucky to have beautiful grounds and it’s...Behind the scenesTrainee Tuesday: Shakespeare’s LondonTuesday 17 September 2013For this year, I am placed at London Metropolitan Archives to work with their...Behind the scenesOur website: a design journeyMonday 16 September 2013I’m delighted to be able to share with you today the first pages of...Archives and archivistsEnhancing Impact…Monday 9 September 2013…and Inspiring Excellence! Wednesday 4th September was a busy day! It saw The National...Behind the scenesThe gloves are offSunday 1 September 2013How many of us have thought that white cotton gloves are a must for...Behind the scenesLet’s talk about the history of governmentThursday 22 August 2013Over on GOV.UK there’s a new history of government blog which, if you like...Behind the scenesA physical and moral defenceWednesday 14 August 2013Every so often, when I meet someone new at a social gathering, I have...Behind the scenesA record summer at the ArchivesTuesday 13 August 2013This summer is proving to be an extremely busy one in our reading rooms....Behind the scenesIt crawled from the south…Friday 9 August 2013They are one of Britain’s largest beetles – stag beetles can look alarming but they...Behind the scenesEndings and beginningsMonday 22 July 2013My colleagues gave me a good luck card when I left The National Archives...Behind the scenesGovernment spending in microcosm?Thursday 18 July 2013The National Archives, PRO, and government as a whole The subject of my last... « 1 … 29 30 31 32 33 … 38 »