Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesTexture mapping: part twoThursday 18 April 2013Following the positive feedback from my first post, here are two further designs represented...Behind the scenesImaginings from the image libraryWednesday 17 April 2013Looking for a picture of Santa in a kayak or cats taking part in...Behind the scenesCapturing and exploring textureThursday 11 April 2013The vast collection of The National Archives includes nearly 3 million ‘ornamental’ and ‘useful’...Behind the scenesTrainee Tuesday: Goodbye from the Opening up Archives traineesTuesday 9 April 2013Over the last year the other Opening Up Archives trainees and I have blogged...Behind the scenesTransparent papers need you!Friday 5 April 2013For the past six months I have been working on a challenging yet fascinating...Archives and archivistsTrainee Tuesday: the best of BorthwickTuesday 2 April 20132013 is an important year for my host organisation, the Borthwick Institute for Archives,...Behind the scenesMarvellous March Mash-up!Wednesday 27 March 2013“Come Mek Wi Dig Out Dem Roots!” was the enthusiastic cry as Sharon Tomlin,...Behind the scenesTrainee Tuesday: Outside the ArchiveTuesday 26 March 2013Over the months I have thoroughly enjoyed reading my fellow-trainees’ accounts of some of...Behind the scenesWriter of the Month: Antony BeevorMonday 25 March 2013For me, archival treasure does not mean the great historical scoop, although it is...Behind the scenesDiscovering discovery across the archives sectorWednesday 13 March 2013The National Archives was pleased to host the third annual Archives Discovery Forum on...Archives and archivistsYou can take the girl out of the archives …Monday 4 March 2013My fellowship on the Clore leadership programme has entered a new phase. I’m taking...Behind the scenesA view from the counter: Bookclub maniaFriday 1 March 2013The weather continues to tease and tantalise – brief hints at sunshine, warmth through... « 1 … 31 32 33 34 35 … 38 »