Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesJenny Childs: A day in the life of an archivistThursday 21 November 2013This blog post is part of a series for Explore Your Archive. Life as...Behind the scenesGary Brannan: A day in the life of an ArchivistWednesday 20 November 2013This blog post is part of a series for Explore Your Archive. Rule...Behind the scenesRecently, in ‘Jura Lives’…Tuesday 19 November 2013This blog post is part of a series for Explore Your Archive. We’ve been...Behind the scenesTrainee Tuesday: Freedom of expressionTuesday 19 November 2013Now that I am half way through my traineeship I can tell you that...Behind the scenesKaren Stapley: A day in the life of an archivistMonday 18 November 2013This blog post is part of a series for Explore Your Archive. The British...Behind the scenesArchI’ve explored – how about you?Saturday 16 November 2013This blog post is part of a series for Explore Your Archive. I might...Behind the scenesMore podcasts, please?Tuesday 12 November 2013Picking up on a recent talks and events discussion topic over in our community,...Behind the scenesTrainee Tuesday: Walking with GhostsTuesday 29 October 2013I’m going to make my own mark; poetry will be a fresh, bold-stepping spirit...Behind the scenesWhitstable and beyondMonday 28 October 2013When I joined The National Archives back in July, the web team was already...Behind the scenesSave the plot, don’t lose it!Thursday 24 October 2013An invitation for hands-on volunteering for map preservation (You don’t have to be a...Behind the scenesAcross the desert in a Model TMonday 21 October 2013It is a given (in a more literary moment I might say a truth...Behind the scenesChurchill’s call for brevityThursday 17 October 2013Last week, colleagues from the Government Digital Service (GDS) came to visit us at... « 1 … 28 29 30 31 32 … 38 »