Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesCare and maintenance of The National Archives Library collectionMonday 8 August 2022The National Archives library was established in 1836 to support the work and research...Behind the scenesNew insights into the First World War military nursesTuesday 2 August 2022Since late 2021, an increasingly large group of volunteers has been working its way...Behind the scenesStories from the collectionWednesday 20 July 2022Have you heard the story of the mixed-race, working-class, disabled activist who campaigned for...Behind the scenesExcite the kids with family adventures this summer holidayTuesday 12 July 2022The summer holidays may feel like a daunting prospect, with six weeks of entertainment...Behind the scenesWhat’s in your DNA?Tuesday 12 July 2022Each and every one of us has our own unique DNA profile and genetic...Behind the scenesMind your manors: Hacking like it’s 1399Thursday 7 July 2022One hundred years ago, the Law of Property Act (1922) brought to an end...Archives and archivistsBeyond 2022: How the light gets inFriday 1 July 2022As one of the selected Decade of Centenaries Artists in Residence, I am extremely...Archives and archivistsCatching up with more former Bridging the Digital Gap traineesFriday 24 June 2022Over the past four years, the Bridging the Digital Gap programme has created 24 technical...Behind the scenesDementia Awareness Week, outreach and the joys of living creativelyTuesday 17 May 2022Today marks the second day of Dementia Awareness Week, a campaign taking place in...Behind the scenesDigitising documents for ‘Royalty on Record’Wednesday 11 May 2022In 2022 Her Majesty The Queen celebrates a Platinum Jubilee, as the first British...Behind the scenesThe secrets of a manuscriptThursday 31 March 2022Over the many thousands of years on this planet, we have looked to unravel...Behind the scenesReturning to on site learningThursday 10 March 2022Who would have thought when we shut and locked the doors behind our last... « 1 2 3 4 5 … 38 »