All posts Archives and archivistsChertsey Abbey reimaginedWednesday 19 June 2019To walk through Chertsey, a medieval market town on the outskirts of London, you...Records and researchIt’s a long, long way to Amphipolis: Archaeology in Macedonia (part 2)Friday 14 June 2019The first part of this blog covered the initial search for records relating to...Archives and archivists‘By Sea, By Land’: Royal Marine attestation and discharge recordsThursday 13 June 2019With the help of volunteers, to whom we are extremely grateful, The National Archives...Archives and archivistsRaising awareness of the 1919 ‘Race Riots’ in LiverpoolWednesday 12 June 2019The 1919 race riots were the first time many in Britain became aware of...Records and researchIt’s a long, long way to Amphipolis: Archaeology in Macedonia (part 1)Tuesday 11 June 2019In 2014, during an excavation of the ancient Macedonian tomb near Amphipolis in northern Greece,...Archives and archivistsWhy Archives are for EveryoneFriday 7 June 2019The theme for International Archives Week speaks directly to the work undertaken by the...Archives and archivistsThe ‘Great Crusade’: D-Day, Operation Overlord and the invasion of occupied north-west EuropeThursday 6 June 2019Seventy-five years ago today, the largest air and seaborne invasion force in history crossed...Records and researchGeorge Orwell: Surveillance and the StateThursday 6 June 20198 June is the 70th anniversary (1949) of the publication of George Orwell’s famous...Behind the scenesDesigning The National ArchivesWednesday 5 June 2019This blog is published as part of International Archives Week, which explores the theme of...Records and researchA recipe for transparent paperTuesday 4 June 2019Transparent papers are widely present in archives, libraries and museums, and yet their manufacturing...Archives and archivistsDigital archiving is a risky businessMonday 3 June 2019This blog is published as part of International Archives Week, which explores the theme...Archives and archivistsHarris, Tisley or Dove? A question of identityFriday 31 May 2019A group of volunteers at The National Archives has recently completed a project to... « 1 … 53 54 55 56 57 … 169 »