All posts Behind the scenesPest monitoring in the archivesWednesday 12 September 2012I’m going to start this post off by saying I really don’t like bugs!...Behind the scenesGreen Day at The National ArchivesTuesday 11 September 2012Tomorrow, Wednesday 12 September, is Green Day at The National Archives! We will be...Archives and archivistsTrainee Tuesday: Tales from the Dark ArchiveTuesday 11 September 2012Checksums, dark archives, OAIS, trusted storage and ingest packages. No, these are not the...Records and researchThe nation at your fingertipsMonday 10 September 2012Like my colleague Jenni Orme, I’ve taken a lot of interest in the Paralympics...Records and researchBeyond paper: The digital trail – updatedFriday 7 September 2012On Thursday 30 August, we hosted a Twitter chat @UkNatArchives to talk about issues...Managing informationWriter’s Block…Thursday 6 September 2012Ask anyone in our department at The National Archives and they will say I’m...Archives and archivistsBe Not Afraid: help is at hand for archivistsWednesday 5 September 2012As a sector, archives are well aware of the impact of the changing way...Archives and archivistsOpening Up Archives: Introducing Trainee TuesdaysTuesday 4 September 2012Opening Up Archives, now in its second year, is a collaborative project supported by...Managing informationWhen 900 years old, you reach… Look as good, you will not…Monday 3 September 2012I think that was the quote we were looking for? Ok, maybe not but...Managing informationThe Information Management Jargon GlossaryFriday 31 August 2012Jargon. Everybody loves a bit of jargon don’t they? Whatever your job role you’ll...Records and researchMandeville: muscles, morale and mascotWednesday 29 August 2012For all those still suffering with Olympics withdrawal symptoms, never fear – the Paralympics...Records and researchBeyond paper: The digital trailTuesday 28 August 2012In June, we hosted a discussion between Professor Lisa Jardine CBE and Professor the... « 1 … 157 158 159 160 161 … 169 »