All posts Records and researchGerald Aylmer seminar 2013Wednesday 7 November 2012Where has this year gone?! It only seems a short time ago that we...Records and researchTrainee Tuesday: Dare to Struggle! Dare to Win!Tuesday 6 November 2012Using archival resources to aid citizenship teaching When I started at London Metropolitan Archives...Records and researchGunpowder Plot: the league of gentlemenMonday 5 November 2012The first Bonfire Night celebration happened on the very evening of the discovery of...Behind the scenesTwo weeks in the life of a Clore fellowFriday 2 November 2012When I joined The National Archives I couldn’t have imagined that I’d spend two...Records and researchMaybe it’s because I’m a LondonerWednesday 31 October 2012One of the many legacies of the United Kingdom’s colonial past is the number...Archives and archivistsTrainee Tuesday: Through a glass, darklyTuesday 30 October 2012Leicestershire’s Folk Past in Pictures Welcome to another exciting instalment of ‘Trainee Tuesdays’ –...Behind the scenesSwan SongMonday 29 October 2012The cygnets have now reached the time to depart from their parents. Though they are...Records and researchAppealing against conscription? Not just for conscientious objectorsFriday 26 October 2012On the 27 January 1916 the Military Service Act came into force in the United...Records and researchJames Bond, the Cold War diaries and spying in KewFriday 26 October 2012It’s almost impossible to separate in the popular imagination the real world of espionage...Technology and innovationEmulation’s what you need?Thursday 25 October 2012In computing, emulation is the practice of creating a virtual environment in order to replicate...Managing informationTo keep or not to keep? Records appraisal and moving houseWednesday 24 October 2012So, last weekend I moved house. The word ‘stressful’ just doesn’t do it enough...Records and researchTrainee Tuesday: Watch out – Aliens!Tuesday 23 October 2012As an ‘Opening up Archives’ trainee I was set the task of preparing a... « 1 … 154 155 156 157 158 … 169 »