All posts Archives and archivistsTrainee Tuesday: Richard III… from the horse’s mouthTuesday 19 March 2013I am very privileged to be blogging to you today from a place to...Records and researchMy Tommy’s War: Ernest ButterworthMonday 18 March 2013Ernest Butterworth was my maternal great-grandfather, born in 1877, the son of John Butterworth...Records and researchImpressions of St Helena – the early 19th centuryFriday 15 March 2013As early as the 17th century, St Helena’s position in the South Atlantic made it...Records and researchA stamp for the Ladies or the Gentleman?Thursday 14 March 2013The latest release of pictures from Through a Lens have been made available on...Behind the scenesDiscovering discovery across the archives sectorWednesday 13 March 2013The National Archives was pleased to host the third annual Archives Discovery Forum on...Managing informationTrainee Tuesday: When archivists and technology collide!Tuesday 12 March 2013In the past few months, I have been spreading awareness of digital preservation via...Records and researchIrish indentured labour in the CaribbeanMonday 11 March 2013Whilst doing research for the ‘Caribbean through a lens‘ user participation project, a chance...Records and researchWomen’s rights: Keeping up appearances or winning the war?Friday 8 March 2013Happy International Women’s Day! We have an amazing array of records relating to women’s...Records and researchThe bombing of the Café de ParisFriday 8 March 2013Seventy-two years ago, on Saturday 8 March 1941, the Café de Paris, a London...Records and researchRock of ages: Gibraltar through a lensThursday 7 March 2013Today it’s the turn of the small British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar to get...Managing informationThe bones of the matter: Keeping it together, when it isn’tWednesday 6 March 2013How can records managers support access and provide context in an age where people...Archives and archivistsTrainee Tuesday: Brave New WorldsTuesday 5 March 2013LGBT History and Education at London Metropolitan Archives This year’s LGBT History Month has... « 1 … 147 148 149 150 151 … 169 »