All posts Records and researchCensuses comparedMonday 8 April 2013Just over a year ago the 1940 census of the United States was released,...Behind the scenesTransparent papers need you!Friday 5 April 2013For the past six months I have been working on a challenging yet fascinating...Records and researchFriendly aliens in our fighting forcesWednesday 3 April 2013In October 1917 Russia withdrew from the First World War. One consequence of this...Archives and archivistsTrainee Tuesday: the best of BorthwickTuesday 2 April 20132013 is an important year for my host organisation, the Borthwick Institute for Archives,...Records and researchThrough a lens: Malta – the George Cross IslandThursday 28 March 2013The Colonial Office library photographic collection contains 12 Malta albums with photographs ranging from...Records and researchThrough a lens: views of Tel Aviv 1909-1934Thursday 28 March 2013These photographs come from one of a number of albums covering the Middle East in the Colonial Office library...Behind the scenesMarvellous March Mash-up!Wednesday 27 March 2013“Come Mek Wi Dig Out Dem Roots!” was the enthusiastic cry as Sharon Tomlin,...Behind the scenesTrainee Tuesday: Outside the ArchiveTuesday 26 March 2013Over the months I have thoroughly enjoyed reading my fellow-trainees’ accounts of some of...Behind the scenesWriter of the Month: Antony BeevorMonday 25 March 2013For me, archival treasure does not mean the great historical scoop, although it is...Managing informationDastardly Digital Dilemmas: 6) HeresyFriday 22 March 2013OK, let’s get it out there. I don’t want to manage information. I really...Records and researchCyprus through a lens: A woman’s work …..Thursday 21 March 2013The latest batch of Colonial Office photographs from the Through a Lens series have been...Records and research‘The Spirit of ’45’ or ‘a natural development from the past’?Wednesday 20 March 2013On Monday I visited the beautiful Phoenix cinema and saw the new Ken Loach... « 1 … 146 147 148 149 150 … 169 »