All posts Records and researchAnniversary of a new beginning: The Irish Free State Constitution Act 1922Tuesday 6 December 2022On 5 December 1922, the Irish Free State Constituent Act ratified the Articles of...Records and researchLady Lisle: Reluctant rebel?Tuesday 6 December 2022Among The National Archives’ vast collections can be found the rather overlooked and somewhat...Records and researchCataloguing First World War medical records for Napsbury HospitalMonday 5 December 2022To celebrate International Volunteer Day, this blog is dedicated to all those volunteers who...Behind the scenesThe trials and tribulations of treasonFriday 2 December 2022The Act of Treason was first written into English law by Parliament in 1352,...Archives and archivistsExploring computational access to the UK Government Web Archive (Part 1)Thursday 1 December 2022The UK Government Web Archive (UKGWA) preserves the websites and social media accounts of...Records and researchWinston Churchill’s hearing lossWednesday 30 November 2022Winston Churchill experienced ill health throughout his life; he caught pneumonia multiple times, sustained...Records and researchRemembering the Crystal Palace fire of 1936Wednesday 30 November 2022On the evening of 30 November 1936, a fire was discovered within the Crystal...Records and researchNeither a British subject nor a British protected personTuesday 29 November 2022The First World War unleashed a significant ‘anti-alien’ backlash, focused initially on Germans living...Records and researchThe Sheriff, the Nave, and Chaucer tooMonday 28 November 2022The origins of the earliest architectural drawing in The National Archives are shrouded in...Archives and archivistsPre-Raphaelites, John Bull and lobsters: Highlights from cataloguing the Stationers’ Company copyright collectionFriday 25 November 2022For the last few years, our dedicated team of volunteers have been working hard...Archives and archivistsProject Omega: First sight of the new cataloguing systemFriday 25 November 2022Since 2019, we have been working on the creation of a new catalogue management...Archives and archivistsZSPC11: An example of innovation through a pandemicFriday 25 November 2022For Catalogue Week 2022, lead volunteer Mel Draper traces the work of the ZSCP... « 1 … 11 12 13 14 15 … 169 »