Tag: Volunteers Records and research‘Bad and Ripe for Mischief’: Events of 1810 as seen by the Home OfficeThursday 4 August 2022The past, they say, is another country and Home Office papers from 1810 reveal...Archives and archivistsPrizes for all: Volunteering on the Prize Papers ProjectWednesday 11 May 2022Prizes, in nautical parlance, are enemy ships captured in wartime. The glory days of...Archives and archivistsThe challenges of working on the Operation War Diary recordsWednesday 6 April 2022Operation War Diary was a five-year collaboration between Zooniverse, Imperial War Museums and The...Archives and archivistsConservation volunteers rehouse over 5,000 films and negativesWednesday 2 February 2022The team of well-established volunteers in the Collection Care department has successfully completed a...Records and researchRoyal Patriotic School: Interrogation of civilians arriving in UK from abroadFriday 3 December 2021From May 1940 British officials started interviewing foreign nationals or refugees arriving at British...Records and researchResearching lives at the Royal Hospital Chelsea for the Scarlets and Blues project (Part 2)Thursday 2 December 2021In this second blog exploring what kind of research might be undertaken using the...Records and researchResearching lives at the Royal Hospital Chelsea for the Scarlets and Blues project (Part 1)Tuesday 30 November 2021This month, The National Archives launched the Scarlets and Blues project, which is now...Records and researchCataloguing and analysing 19th-century artworkThursday 21 October 2021The National Archives holds an incredible collection of artwork submitted to the Stationers’ Company...Behind the scenesCataloguing WO 25 officers’ records of serviceThursday 15 July 2021The restrictions over the past year have meant having to look at other ways...Records and researchThe Ecclesiastical Census of 1851 volunteering projectMonday 7 June 2021As part of National Volunteers’ week, I’d like to celebrate with you the completion...Records and researchVerdict – Accidental death: The strange case of the Scottish aristocrat killed on the Midland RailwayFriday 22 January 2021Chris Heather writes: Over the past two years, The National Archives has been cataloguing a...Records and researchShedding new light on First World War Royal Navy operational recordsWednesday 4 November 2020The most significant collection of First World War operational records of the Royal Navy... « 1 2 3 4 … 6 »