Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesThe author is in the bookshopThursday 3 April 2014Authors, you’ve got to love them. Without authors we would have no books, and...Behind the scenes“Never work with children or animals…”Friday 21 March 2014Ok, so the title is just a hook, I actually disagree with the part...Behind the scenesLearning through doing in collection careWednesday 19 March 2014I started off 2014 with a three month internship with the Collections Care department...Behind the scenesThe secret power of archivesThursday 13 March 2014My time at London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) is near its end, and I have...Behind the scenesFrom Tyne to Tweed: bridging the gap between archives and audiencesTuesday 25 February 2014In my role as a National Archives Skills for the Future trainee, I have...Behind the scenesBig Data funding successThursday 20 February 2014The National Archives was recently successful in securing funding for two bids to the...Behind the scenesWebsite redesign on the roadThursday 13 February 2014As you may have already noticed, The National Archives web team is currently redesigning...Archives and archivistsLGBT History Month at Gloucestershire ArchivesTuesday 11 February 2014LGBT History Month is here again and archives across the country are celebrating the...Behind the scenesA Library or a Fire Trap ?Tuesday 4 February 2014Despite meteorological indications to the contrary spring should be springing soon. Days are definitely...Behind the scenesTo the manor born?Monday 3 February 2014We’ve been working for almost twenty years now to improve, update and above all...Behind the scenesHey! How’s it going?Friday 31 January 2014I feel very lucky to work in internal communications at The National Archives because...Behind the scenesEngaging with students at London Metropolitan ArchivesThursday 30 January 2014Here at London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) the collections are vast and like so many... « 1 … 26 27 28 29 30 … 38 »