Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesShip shape: conserving the Regent’s Canal Company’s minute booksThursday 26 February 20152012 marked the bicentenary of construction starting on London’s famous Regent’s Canal. The Regent’s...Behind the scenesThe past on our screensTuesday 3 February 2015Ah a good dose of costume drama. There’s nothing like crowns and codpieces of...Behind the scenesThe National Archives’ LibraryMonday 2 February 2015Between 3-6 February we are holding a series of library-related talks to mark National...Behind the scenesKeeping FO 371 accessibleWednesday 28 January 2015Among the vast collections held here at The National Archives, FO 371 is one of...Behind the scenesA Twitter bird told usWednesday 21 January 2015Last night we were very excited to reach 50,000 followers on Twitter! We use...Behind the scenesProtecting our (and your!) collectionTuesday 20 January 2015Polyester or polyethylene envelopes, rather than other plastics such as polyvinylchloride (PVC), are used...Behind the scenesKeeper’s Gallery: 50th anniversary of Churchill’s deathTuesday 20 January 2015Our Keeper’s Gallery currently features a display to mark the 50th anniversary of Sir...Behind the scenesNew year in the bookshopWednesday 7 January 2015New Year, new you. It’s the time of resolutions (which you won’t keep), spring...Behind the scenesSeeing the invisible – striking images of dust!Thursday 18 December 2014Scanning electron microscopy has revealed striking images of dust particles found in The National Archives’...Behind the scenesThe season for givingThursday 11 December 2014‘Tis indeed the festive season. We’ve eaten the first of the mince pies now....Behind the scenesKeeper’s Gallery: Storage chestsTuesday 9 December 2014An on-going feature in the Keeper’s Gallery that I wanted to highlight to are...Behind the scenesFirst World War South Asia community workshopFriday 5 December 2014Have you ever seen a trench map from the First World War written in... « 1 … 22 23 24 25 26 … 38 »