All posts Records and researchThe Great Fire of London viewed from abroadFriday 2 September 2016Foreign pamphlets and gazettes can illuminate the transmission, diffusion and reception of English news...Records and researchMy Tommy’s War: James Stanley CrossleyThursday 1 September 2016In 1911, 12 year old James Stanley Crossley enlisted as a boy soldier in...Behind the scenesTracking the market in manuscriptsThursday 25 August 2016When important documents are put up for auction how can we help ensure that...Records and researchPalimpsest and Changing the LandscapeWednesday 24 August 2016Film maker Jeremy Bubb discusses his work for Changing the Landscape…...Records and researchDaily life in Alexandra Palace internment campFriday 19 August 2016From 1915 until 1919, Alexandra Palace was a civilian internment camp for German, Austrian...Behind the scenesIn our minds: Creative responses to mental health recordsThursday 18 August 2016How can creative practitioners use and engage with archive materials, and develop work as...Behind the scenesA journey into a father’s pastTuesday 16 August 2016I don’t usually devote the whole blog to a single book, but 'Dadland' by...Records and researchShot at the TowerMonday 15 August 201675 years ago Josef Jakobs was shot by firing squad - the last person...Archives and archivistsTransforming Archives: London Metropolitan ArchivesFriday 12 August 2016I work in the Development Team, which produces the educational events at the London...Archives and archivists‘No user lost and no archive left behind’Thursday 11 August 2016This is our opportunity to co-create the future vision for the archive sector…...Records and research‘A Most Lamented Princesse’: an English princess at VersaillesThursday 11 August 2016Elements of the depiction of Henriette’s death in the TV series Versailles have been...Records and researchThe Battle of the Seine: Henry V’s unknown naval triumphTuesday 9 August 2016On 15 August 1416, a fleet of English ships defeated a Franco-Genoese naval force... « 1 … 91 92 93 94 95 … 169 »