All posts Records and researchMedieval army pensioners: the Poor Knights of WindsorFriday 1 December 2017One of our most interesting collections for the study of military and family history is...Behind the scenesHow do you move a web archive?Thursday 30 November 2017Today is the very first International Digital Preservation Day, organised by our colleagues at...Records and researchDomestic duties only? WRNS and the First World WarWednesday 29 November 2017The Women’s Royal Naval Service (WRNS) was founded in November 1917. The intention was...Records and researchSex, Spies and another Scandal: the other Profumo affairTuesday 28 November 2017At the height of the Profumo affair, the greatest British political scandal of the...Archives and archivistsA Year in Archives 2017Monday 27 November 2017Today marks the launch of our annual publication celebrating the work of the archives...Records and researchThe civil servant’s tale: Geoffrey Chaucer in the archives (Part two)Monday 27 November 2017In the first of this series of blogs, I looked into the early life...Archives and archivistsArchive Service Accreditation – over 100 accredited archives!Friday 24 November 2017This is Explore Your Archives week and today we have a fantastic occasion to...Archives and archivistsBringing archives into art: Drawing the Bombay PlagueThursday 23 November 2017Today we are celebrating all things #archivescience by looking a special commission for Wellcome...Archives and archivistsHappy birthday to us!Thursday 23 November 2017Today marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of The National Archives’ building (then the...Behind the scenesPeeling away an outdated conservation treatmentThursday 23 November 2017In the Collection Care Department we are responsible for preserving the documents stored at The...Records and researchDiamond cutting for disabled servicemenWednesday 22 November 2017Over 1 million British men were disabled by disease or injury during the First...Archives and archivistsPreventing pests – taking history off the menuTuesday 21 November 2017What does this look like to you? A pile of paper? An old book?... « 1 … 73 74 75 76 77 … 169 »