All posts Archives and archivistsFundraising for Archives: Bespoke mentoring support sessionsThursday 1 March 2018Developing a fundraising strategy, bid writing, building a case for support, funding streams, setting...Records and researchAuthors in the archivesTuesday 27 February 2018Following the success of our ‘Behind the Scenes’ repository tours we are currently running...Records and research100 years since the sinking of HMHS Glenart CastleMonday 26 February 2018Monday 26 February marks the centenary of the sinking of HM Hospital Ship Glenart...Records and researchThe day an English king covertly avoided catastrophe: Calais 1350Thursday 22 February 2018‘…so ought not this event in any history to be forgotten. Then it is...Records and researchRoyal weddings in history: dynasty and diplomacyWednesday 21 February 2018Since the announcement last year that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are to marry...Behind the scenesHosting the Suffrage flagTuesday 20 February 2018This year marks 100 years since the passing of the Representation of the People...Archives and archivistsBridging the digital gapThursday 15 February 2018In October this year, we will welcome eight new faces through the door of...Behind the scenesRemembering Partition: official records and community voicesWednesday 14 February 2018Our collection focuses on the high politics of Partition. Working with partners we aim...Archives and archivistsBeyond 2022: Ireland’s Virtual Record TreasuryFriday 9 February 2018The Four Courts complex in Dublin was destroyed on 30 June 1922, in the...Records and researchThe Representation of the People Act 1918: Votes for (some) women, finallyTuesday 6 February 2018Friday 18 May 2018, 18:30 Suffrage 100 – Archives at night: Law breakers, law...Records and researchJourney’s End: the trenches’ impact on mental healthMonday 5 February 2018On Friday, a new film version of the well-known First World War play ‘Journey’s End’...Records and researchArchaeological business as usual? Digging in the Hatay in the 1930sFriday 2 February 2018After the First World War, the League of Nations granted France a Mandate on... « 1 … 70 71 72 73 74 … 169 »