All posts Records and researchTo the Moon and back: an ‘epic voyage of discovery’Friday 19 July 2019In 1902, a French film, A Trip to the Moon, related the extraordinary journey...Technology and innovationExploring Data, Investigating MethodologiesTuesday 9 July 2019In February 2019, King’s College London’s Department of Digital Humanities, together with The National...Records and researchGentleman Jack: Anne Lister – the first modern lesbian?Tuesday 9 July 2019The hugely successful and widely praised TV series Gentleman Jack is a period drama set...Records and researchThe National Service: Buttons, boots and gleaming brassesFriday 5 July 2019After the Second World War in 1945, the young men of Britain were called...Records and researchAn undiplomatic diplomat: Morton Howell in CairoThursday 4 July 2019According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a diplomat is ‘a person who can deal...Archives and archivistsThe Archbishops of York and the North of England, 1304-1405Tuesday 2 July 2019February 2019 saw the start of a major collaborative research project between The National...Records and researchEarly Trade Unions and the Combination LawsThursday 27 June 2019The concept of a trade union, or a body of workers joining together to...Technology and innovationCollection Care welcomes a new multispectral imaging systemWednesday 26 June 2019This summer, the Collection Care department purchased an innovative multispectral imaging system (MSI). In...Records and researchMilestones to Peace: The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of VersaillesWednesday 26 June 2019On Monday 18 January, two months after the armistice was signed with Germany, a...Records and research‘Discharged to Duty’: First World War medical recordsTuesday 25 June 2019The First World War represents a turning point in the history of war and...Records and researchSOE and the art of blending inFriday 21 June 2019The methods used by Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents to pass as members of...Archives and archivists‘One Whole Lemon’ and a visit from The Rainbow ClubThursday 20 June 2019On Friday 12 April The National Archives welcomed more than 60 children, parents and teachers... « 1 … 52 53 54 55 56 … 169 »