All posts Records and researchFifty years since the 1970 Equal Pay ActFriday 29 May 2020Today marks 50 years since the 1970 Equal Pay Act received royal assent –...Records and researchLight in the ‘darkest hour’Thursday 28 May 2020Tuesday 28 May 1940 was one of the most significant days in the course...Behind the scenesCelebrating VE Day across the archives sectorWednesday 27 May 2020Friday 8 May was the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day and...Records and researchMiracles and myths: The Dunkirk Evacuation – Part 1: Where was the RAF?Tuesday 26 May 2020On 10 May 1940, Hitler’s forces suddenly opened their offensive in Western Europe. Attacking...Records and researchVital words of hope, 26 May 1940Tuesday 26 May 2020In his diary Neville Chamberlain described Sunday 26 May 1940 as ‘the blackest day...Records and researchThe Applications of Probability to Cryptography (Part 2)Monday 25 May 2020Part 1 of this blog introduced Alan Turing’s paper on ‘The Applications of Probability...Records and researchW E Hayward: A life’s workFriday 22 May 2020ZSPC 11 is the record designation at The National Archives for a varied collection...Behind the scenesSacrifices for loveFriday 22 May 2020What would you sacrifice for love? And who sacrifices more: those who have it all,...Records and researchThe 600th anniversary of the Treaty of TroyesThursday 21 May 202021 May 2020 marks the 600th anniversary of the Treaty of Troyes, a peace...Behind the scenesThe art of kindness: Using images to improve mental wellbeingThursday 21 May 2020Using creativity to explore our collections is especially relevant at a time when we...Archives and archivistsThe Archivists’ Guide to Film: The Imitation GameWednesday 20 May 2020The Archivists’ Guide to Film is a blog series in which staff at The...Records and researchKatherine of Aragon and an army for the North in 1513Wednesday 20 May 2020In 1513, with Henry VIII at war in France, Queen Katherine of Aragon ruled... « 1 … 42 43 44 45 46 … 169 »