Posts by Vicky Iglikowski-Broad Records and researchErnie and Geof: Love between menWednesday 20 November 2019In November 1920 the youthful Ernest [Ernie] Smyth was arrested. At 22 years old...Archives and archivistsSuffragettes and the Black Friday protests: 18 November 1910Monday 18 November 2019The 18th of November 1910 is one of the iconic dates in the history...Records and research‘Bohemian, broad-minded, unconventional.’ What was it like to be queer in the 1920s?Thursday 14 November 2019In the 1920s, an era when the law criminalised your love, how was it...Records and researchGentleman Jack: Anne Lister – the first modern lesbian?Tuesday 9 July 2019The hugely successful and widely praised TV series Gentleman Jack is a period drama set...Records and researchLGBTQ+ history: Maud Allan and ‘unnatural practices among women’Thursday 14 February 2019It is safe to say that no lawsuit of modern times has attracted such...Records and research‘Plucky Pioneers’: the 1918 General ElectionFriday 21 December 2018On December 6 1918 the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) publication ‘The Common...Records and researchThe ‘Victory’ election: the 1918 General ElectionFriday 14 December 2018At The National Archives we have been proud to put women at the centre...Records and researchThe 1913 Suffrage Pilgrimage: peaceful protest and local disorderThursday 15 November 2018On 26 July 1913 – in a year more often associated with Suffragette militancy and the...Records and researchMyth-busting the women’s suffrage movementThursday 11 October 2018Visit our free exhibition, open until Friday 26 October: Suffragettes vs the State There...Records and researchHow to research your suffrage ancestorWednesday 29 August 2018Do you think you might have a relative who supported the campaigns for women’s...Records and research100neHundred: dancing to remember the fight for the voteThursday 19 July 2018Emily Wilding Davison is one of the most remembered figures of the women’s suffrage...Records and researchAlice Hawkins, suffragette and working womanMonday 2 July 2018Today marks 90 years since the passing of the 1928 Representation of the People... « 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 8 »