Tag: 20sStreets Records and researchNeither a British subject nor a British protected personTuesday 29 November 2022The First World War unleashed a significant ‘anti-alien’ backlash, focused initially on Germans living...Records and researchMary Hare’s Pioneering Establishment: The Dene Hollow Oral School for the DeafWednesday 16 November 2022This blog post looks at the Dene Hollow Oral School for the Deaf, which...Records and researchOccupations in the 1921 CensusFriday 4 November 2022The 1921 Census opens up many possibilities for research. One of the most interesting...Records and researchMy 20sStreet: Kirby MoorMonday 24 October 2022Kirby Moor was built as a country house in 1868 with Gothic-style architectural features,...Records and researchMy 20sStreet: Guildford Street, StainesThursday 13 October 2022I moved to the market town of Staines nearly 25 years ago and have...