Category: Archives and archivists Archives and archivistsA face through time: Further opening up our prisoner of war recordsThursday 18 June 2020There are millions of stories, both personal and political, buried inside the hundreds of...Archives and archivistsThe Archivists’ Guide to Film: The Imitation GameWednesday 20 May 2020The Archivists’ Guide to Film is a blog series in which staff at The...Archives and archivistsFighting a great fight: Women workers at Ford DagenhamWednesday 22 April 2020The action began on 7 June 1968, when 187 women walked out of Ford’s...Archives and archivistsDon’t get trampled in the online rush: Advice for making archive collections accessible during the shutdownFriday 10 April 2020In a rush to digital, important things sometimes get forgotten....Archives and archivistsHidden messages in vintage paintingsWednesday 8 April 2020I expect we have all looked at old paintings in country houses or galleries,...Archives and archivistsHow to date family photographsThursday 2 April 2020When photographs are passed down through generations of families, sometimes the stories of the...Archives and archivistsBaffled by archives: Part threeTuesday 28 January 2020‘Baffled by archives’ is a three-part blog series addressing the issues and challenges that...Archives and archivistsHow Nazi ‘fake news’ split Allied commanders in 1945Wednesday 15 January 2020Seventy-five years ago this week the Battle of the Ardennes began to draw to...Archives and archivistsBaffled by archives: Part twoTuesday 7 January 2020‘Baffled by archives’ is a three-part blog series addressing the issues and challenges faced...Archives and archivistsDiscovering collections, discovering communitiesFriday 6 December 2019In 2019 The National Archives awarded four bursaries to support students, early career professionals,...Archives and archivistsBaffled by archives: Part oneFriday 29 November 2019After 20 years of living in a world with Google in it, many web...Archives and archivistsSuffragettes and the Black Friday protests: 18 November 1910Monday 18 November 2019The 18th of November 1910 is one of the iconic dates in the history... « 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 … 28 »