All posts Records and researchCataloguing and analysing 19th-century artworkThursday 21 October 2021The National Archives holds an incredible collection of artwork submitted to the Stationers’ Company...Archives and archivistsResearch Exchange: Presentation in digital researchThursday 21 October 2021This blog focuses on the theme of Presentation, discussing how we work with digital...Records and researchThe Jacobite Earl of Mar: A double agent?Tuesday 19 October 2021A previously overlooked document among State Papers in The National Archives may have the...Archives and archivistsResearch Exchange: Preservation in digital researchMonday 18 October 2021Our Research Exchange series features interviews with researchers across The National Archives in which...Records and research‘Bandits, guerrillas, terrorists’: The role of the Central Office of Information during the Malayan ‘Emergency’ (1948-60)Thursday 14 October 2021In 1948, Britain declared a state of ‘Emergency’ in Malaya, an area in Southeast...Archives and archivistsResearch Exchange: Interpretation in digital researchFriday 8 October 2021Our Research Exchange series features interviews with researchers across The National Archives in which...Records and researchMarkets, London buses and motifs: Untold tales of the Festival of BritainThursday 30 September 2021Seventy years ago today, on 30 September 1951, the Festival of Britain took down...Records and researchHMS Artemis: A real-life submarine drama in two actsMonday 27 September 2021The recent BBC drama ‘Vigil’ was set on a fictional Royal Navy Vanguard-class submarine,...Records and research‘Importuning men’: Sex work and the male tradeTuesday 14 September 2021The majority of records relating to sex work in the archives are about female...Archives and archivistsHacking 23 years of government history: An example from The UK Government Web ArchiveMonday 13 September 2021Web archives provide a key resource for the public. They allow us to access...Archives and archivistsReflections on the Professional Fellowship schemeFriday 10 September 2021The National Archives and Research Libraries UK (RLUK) created the Professional Fellowship scheme to...Archives and archivistsDegradation of film negatives research: Approaches to treatment and unsolved issuesThursday 9 September 2021Working from home is not the natural habitat of a conservator. Like many in... « 1 … 27 28 29 30 31 … 169 »