All posts Behind the scenes10 years of GOV.UK in three minutesFriday 5 November 2021To celebrate the UK Government Web Archive (UKGWA) turning 25 this week, we have...Behind the scenesPreserving UK Government history for 25 yearsThursday 4 November 2021On 4 November 2021, the UK Government Web Archive (UKGWA) celebrates its 25th anniversary....Archives and archivistsNew ways to work for historians and archivists: Gerald Aylmer Seminar 2021Wednesday 3 November 2021The Gerald Aylmer Seminar is an annual event designed to bring together historians and...Records and research‘No recommendation’: The experience of RIC veterans with the Irish Grants CommitteeMonday 1 November 2021In the aftermath of the Anglo-Irish War (1919-21) the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) force...Records and researchForgotten victims of war: Black merchant seamen interned in the Second World WarFriday 29 October 2021To mark the end of Black History Month I would like to share with...Records and researchThe 17th century ghost and the fresh nightcapFriday 29 October 2021We’re used to finding stories of spooks (of the spying variety) in the archives,...Records and researchPlague Ahoy! Maritime quarantine in the 18th centuryThursday 28 October 2021On 23 August 1720 at the Council Chamber in Whitehall, the Privy Council issued...Records and researchKicking the habit: Government’s first anti-smoking campaignsWednesday 27 October 2021This month is Stoptober – an annual media campaign started by Public Health England...Archives and archivistsHow Findmypast is helping us provide access to the 1921 CensusWednesday 27 October 2021The announcement that the 1921 Census will be available online from next January will...Archives and archivistsConserving the 1921 CensusWednesday 27 October 2021In the context of the 1921 Census, conservation means conservation for digitisation....Records and researchThe Hoefle Telegram in the new Holocaust Galleries at the Imperial War MuseumMonday 25 October 2021After almost six years in the making, Imperial War Museums (IWM) London opened new...Records and researchHome truths: Improving community relations by funding trips to Commonwealth countriesFriday 22 October 2021In 1969 the Central Office of Information (COI) made a film about a scheme... « 1 … 26 27 28 29 30 … 169 »