All posts Managing informationPistols at dawn?Tuesday 7 August 2012That looks very dramatic, doesn’t it? But I assure you that we have very...Archives and archivistsWhat I did on my holidays – or, the potential of museum archivesMonday 6 August 2012It seems appropriate for a holiday period to talk about a place I have...Records and researchA very, very, very fine houseFriday 3 August 2012I wish this was my house but, sadly, it isn’t. It’s Forty Hall, a...Records and researchUK Government – did we rule the Empire with 4,000 civil servants?Wednesday 1 August 2012I was interested in some of the wider questions that were raised over the...Archives and archivistsUpdated action plan for archivesTuesday 31 July 2012If you’re a regular follower of this blog you will have gathered that we...Managing information‘Here, there be dragons’ – exploring the landscape of backupsMonday 30 July 2012Hardly a day goes by without some email, text message or document, found or...Records and researchOlympics – PE kits and tuck boxesFriday 27 July 2012When I first heard about The Olympic Record, a site dedicated to making a...Technology and innovationAn introduction to the PRONOM contribution model and the Signature Developer roleThursday 26 July 2012My name is David Clipsham and I have been employed as the File Format...Technology and innovationAncient Deeds and the Semantic CardiganWednesday 25 July 2012Last week, some of us from The National Archives were privileged to spend a...Records and researchReflections of a Collaborative Doctoral Award studentMonday 23 July 2012Over the last few years The National Archives has been highly successful in expanding...Records and researchIs that all there is?Friday 20 July 2012My colleague looked at the article with a mixture of surprise and mild horror....Records and researchDistress in the cotton districts 1863Wednesday 18 July 2012A century and a half ago, the American Civil War was well under way,... « 1 … 159 160 161 162 163 … 169 »