All posts Archives and archivistsArchives are our businessMonday 3 March 2014Part of The National Archives’ work with the wider archive sector is about exploring...Records and researchWhen ‘Ivan the terrible’ visited BritainFriday 28 February 2014The search for a person within The National Archives can sometimes yield a line...Managing informationCloud storage and archives: a match made in heaven?Wednesday 26 February 2014With the rise in cloud services and storage, archivists are asking whether this can...Behind the scenesFrom Tyne to Tweed: bridging the gap between archives and audiencesTuesday 25 February 2014In my role as a National Archives Skills for the Future trainee, I have...Records and researchPoems for a princessMonday 24 February 2014This year marks 100 years since the birth of Noor Inayat Kahn, known in...Records and researchMy Tommy’s War: It started with a photographFriday 21 February 2014When I originally volunteered to contribute to the this series I planned to submit...Behind the scenesBig Data funding successThursday 20 February 2014The National Archives was recently successful in securing funding for two bids to the...Records and researchA big month for family historyWednesday 19 February 2014February is a big month for family history. The two biggest annual family history...Behind the scenesWebsite redesign on the roadThursday 13 February 2014As you may have already noticed, The National Archives web team is currently redesigning...Managing informationA-Z of Information ManagementWednesday 12 February 2014If like me you’re an avid reader of The National Archives’ blog, you’ll have...Archives and archivistsLGBT History Month at Gloucestershire ArchivesTuesday 11 February 2014LGBT History Month is here again and archives across the country are celebrating the...Records and researchThe UK Government Web Archive: a resource for contemporary historians (1)Monday 10 February 2014In the next couple of posts I will try to set out what the... « 1 … 131 132 133 134 135 … 169 »