Category: Records and research Records and researchStudying away from home: British Council scholarship students 1937–1948Wednesday 31 July 2024What did people who came to the UK from across the world experience?...Records and researchMaking archives fun for visually impaired studentsTuesday 30 July 2024Ellen Oredsson shares her Professional Fellowship research project...Behind the scenes‘Perfectly suited to time travel’: Audio drama at The National ArchivesTuesday 23 July 2024Artistic director Fin Kennedy and writer Mel Pennant discuss audio storytelling....Records and researchThe forger, the map-maker and the scrounger – the truth behind characters in The Great EscapeWednesday 10 July 2024How much of the Hollywood film was based on real people?...Records and researchThe experiences of those impacted by the 1941 invasion of Hong KongTuesday 9 July 2024These recently catalogued records are a testimony to the courage of those impacted by...Records and researchHow to research the history of a place: where to startWednesday 8 May 2024Want to find out more about a particular place's past? Beginning can be tricky....Records and researchBehind the Wire: Mapping Second World War camp histories in the UKWednesday 1 May 2024What can interactive maps reveal about UK prisoner of war and internment camps?...Records and researchResearching the birth of the first domestic violence refugeWednesday 20 March 2024Read a researcher's journey exploring the first few years of Chiswick Women's Aid....Records and researchLife and death in Hong Kong during the Second World WarThursday 8 February 2024Now catalogued and searchable by name, this series of nominal cards highlight the experiences...Records and researchRecords of Czechoslovakian refugees to the UK from 1939 to 1975Monday 18 December 2023These recently catalogued records tell remarkable stories of migration from Czechoslovakia to the UK....Records and researchManufacturing artificial limbs during the First World WarThursday 7 December 2023How did conflict change the way that artificial limbs were manufactured?...Records and researchInternational Volunteer Day 2023: The work that inspired Great EscapesTuesday 5 December 2023International Volunteer Day is the perfect time to celebrate the efforts that inspired our... « 1 2 3 4 5 … 115 »