Category: Managing information Managing informationThe drive less sharedFriday 30 November 2012Despite over a decade in helping users understand information management and getting them to...Managing informationNew Standard Licence developedThursday 22 November 2012Today, we’ve published the beta version of a new standard licence which has been developed...Managing informationDastardly Digital Dilemmas: 4) Perfect circle(s)Wednesday 14 November 2012We have the answer. The answer to how to effectively manage your digital information....Archives and archivistsIn autumn, the cycle begins again…Monday 12 November 2012One of my very first posts on this blog was about our annual survey...Managing informationTo keep or not to keep? Records appraisal and moving houseWednesday 24 October 2012So, last weekend I moved house. The word ‘stressful’ just doesn’t do it enough...Behind the scenesWhat’s in the box?Wednesday 17 October 2012It’s been a good few weeks for news of new developments for archive services...Managing informationSnakes and ladders – the semantics of organogramsMonday 8 October 2012Much of the information stored in the workplace holds some information about who created...Managing informationThe 13th Task of Hercules – email managementThursday 20 September 2012Managing email is often subject to contradiction: 1. It is the solution to all...Behind the scenesThe National Archives: we’re engaging!Friday 14 September 2012A few months ago, my blog post focused on the work of the Private...Managing informationWriter’s Block…Thursday 6 September 2012Ask anyone in our department at The National Archives and they will say I’m...Managing informationWhen 900 years old, you reach… Look as good, you will not…Monday 3 September 2012I think that was the quote we were looking for? Ok, maybe not but...Managing informationThe Information Management Jargon GlossaryFriday 31 August 2012Jargon. Everybody loves a bit of jargon don’t they? Whatever your job role you’ll... « 1 … 5 6 7 8 9 »