All posts Records and researchHow to trace your criminal ancestorsTuesday 13 December 2016Criminal records are some of the richest sources available for family historians - here...Records and researchA Graphic War and our recordsMonday 12 December 2016'A Graphic War', an exciting display of sculptures by artist Ian Kirkpatrick, explores the...Managing informationPeace and goodwill to all recordsFriday 9 December 2016It's that time of year again. The office starts to get quieter, colleagues and...Archives and archivistsSix Wives in the archives: a view from EuropeWednesday 7 December 2016In the 19th century the British government employed researchers to work in major European...Behind the scenesHistory books – but not as you know them?Tuesday 6 December 2016I want to focus on the oddities, the strange little books that turn out...Records and researchA revolution in treatment: the Thomas splintThursday 1 December 2016Ever since seeing a demonstration of how to use it, in a reconstruction of...Records and researchUnexpected findings: 100 years of cultural exchangeWednesday 30 November 2016This blog offers a glimpse into some extraordinary finds among the design records at...Records and researchExplore Sir Geoffrey Howe’s Private Office papersFriday 25 November 2016Today a new series of records is released which give us a new perspective...Managing informationCyber security: three steps senior managers need to takeThursday 24 November 2016Senior managers play a vital role in driving the development of a cyber-secure culture...Archives and archivistsExplore Your Archive is back!Monday 21 November 2016Find out what a typical day in an archive is like, discover the collections,...Records and researchBattle of the AncreFriday 18 November 2016This is the last in our series of blogs marking the contribution of Commonwealth...Records and researchThe hospital ship BritannicWednesday 16 November 2016We explore the sinking of the hospital ship Britannic, sister ship of the Titanic,... « 1 … 87 88 89 90 91 … 169 »